Powering the Internet
with Groundbreaking Products

The first and largest Ad Network on the globe connecting Bangla websites and apps with advertisers.

Everything you need to know about Dhaka city. HelloDhaka is a travel guide website owned by Genex Digital.

Chatlogy is a leading conversational AI Chatbot & Virtual Assistant Platform designed and build by Genex Digital.

An ecommerce platform, which just a few clicks will provide one stop solution for managing your ecommerce and facebook store.

A single setup to run your business, digitally. Create custom email address with your company domain name. Take control of your work with JossWork, a brand new platform made in Bangladesh for global business.

Simplest, Safest and most Fun way to make payments. Cutting edge-technology to protect your financial and personal data.

Get refreshing and updated stories about local business, sports and lifestyle.

An approach to incentivize the Bangla sound creators. Play them for free when artists are earning from ads.